About Me

I'm a passionate full-stack developer skilled in both front and back-end web development. I thrive in a collaborative environment and thoroughly enjoy the process of optimizing software.


Languages & Frameworks

JavaScript (ES6+), Node.js, Express.js, React, Jest


MongoDB, MySQL, Firebase


Database Design, RESTful API Design, Web APIs, Agile Methodology, Git, Github, CI/CD, Prisma, Knex, NoSQL, Document Object Model (DOM), Unix Shell, SuperTest


Institute for Expressive Analysis

Freelance Full-Stack Developer, September 2023 - December 2023

Florida International University

Android Developer, June 2022 - December 2022


Cinemate Frontend

Streaming service web application built with React and TailwindCSS. The user is able to bookmark and search for movies.

Cinemate Backend

Streaming service REST API built with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB with Prisma. The site implements content-based filtering to provide the user with a personalized recommended section.


Food management FERN stack web application. The user is able to keep track and manipulate different food containers, their individual contents, and how long they've been in storage with playful UI interactivity.

SPRK_E Backend

Journaling API built with Node.js, Express.js, Knex, and MySQL. Implemented OAuth, and encryption for journal entries to keep user's data secure.


Instagram clone built with Swift. The user is able to login, upload images, like, and comment on posts.


Bookstore REST API built with Java, Spring Boot and MySQL.